Saturday, February 13, 2016

"Walking is to Pot"

"As running is to heroin"

I'm pretty sure that's called a simile.

However if I were to expand on it a bit.....And tell you that once you've tasted a more powerful drug, it's hard to go back to the softer one.  You may find it somewhat soothing, and yet the pull of the real thing is always there.  Also I could tell you that walking, like pot is generally harmless. and that running and heroine can have serious dangerous and addictive properties.

And If I were to go on about the parallels, I'm pretty sure it would be called an analogy.

But if I were really smart, which I'm not, I would find a short sentence that would sum it all up more figuratively and then it would be a metaphor!  I'll have to think about that.

Regardless of the right technical term the reality is that I have been slipping on my commitment to remain a walker.  Every day I go out there with the best of intentions, and as a matter of fact I managed 21.1 kms less than a week ago, without jogging a step.  And yet since then I have struggled. It's hard to describe, but there is a tangible mental pull that nags at me constantly when I walk.  And if I give in to it, almost immediately I can feel a strong mental and physical sensation.  It just feels good!  Or at least it feels good until it stops feeling good...

Today was the worst of all as I ended up jogging for more than half of my 10 kms, and to make matters worse, I didn't really feel badly at the end of it.  Mind you, I was forced to go very slow by the road conditions, and yet the last  kms were all jogging.

I think being unable to ride for the last several days probably made the pull worse as it left me with some more energy.

Honestly, right now I don't know where I'm going with this next.....hmmm.

Maybe if some one would come up with that metaphor for me, I would be inspired to do something smart...

But today I never cared anyway.  I had other stuff to do which is all explained here.

...and from one of the worlds totally insane people, and a man with a brain I envy, comes confirmation that punctation is important...

“We all need something to help us unwind at the end of the day. You might have a glass of wine, or a joint, or a big delicious blob of heroin to silence your silly brainbox of its witterings but there has to be some form of punctuation, or life just seems utterly relentless.” ---Rusell Brand



  1. Fantastic photo! Love, love, love

  2. Metaphor, analogy, simile or syllogism, who cares. Trying to understand what happens when you walk is crucial to your mental and physical health RIGHT NOW. Maybe later, you can figure out how not to run when the impulse draws you there, but until you understand it, it rules. And for a guy with your control issues, that could be awful! Keep at it, little brother. And look after yourself 'cause we got a tea date in early March!!

    Love, gail
