Sunday, February 7, 2016

"Todays Top Ten"

The hardest part about this particular list was not coming up with 10 things, but rather with paring it down to ten.  Why? Because the list of things I learned from my grandson could go on forever.  I could also add to it with each passing day.

So here you go.  The top ten things I learned in the last 13 years from Colby.

10) It is literally impossible to exercise, or to regret having too much patience!

9) Despite occasional appearances to the contrary, anger never, ever achieves anything in the long run!

8) It is much easier to open ones mouth, than to keep it shut.

7) Never patronize a child.  Unlike adults, they will always smell you out,

6) Never say your'e sorry until you are!  Before that it's just another lie.

5) Two ice creams are always better than one!

4) Sparta/Union public school measures obedience, not intelligence.

3) You can imagine infinity, only if your brain has an infinite ability to learn. (that's why I can't!)

2) It is not always necessary to correct someones thinking, even when you're 100% sure they're wrong.

And the very most one-derful thing I have slowly learned from my grandson?

1)  It is actually possible for one to admit that he himself is wrong, and not immediately cease to exist!

...and your quote of the day comes from the young man himself.  This was on discovering that his grade 8 school skating trip did NOT fall on the same day he was to attend his first advanced grade 9 math class at the high school.  A class that mom and teachers went to some lengths to make happen...

"That's a relief grampa.  It would have caused lots of grief for the teachers and the bus drivers if I had to miss my first class"---Colby Andrew Rooyakkers



  1. Great list! Love him and love choice!!

  2. That is a wise young man, happy to hear he is rubbing off on you

  3. Clever lad! Clever grandpa!

    Love, gail
