Wednesday, March 30, 2016


For the last 20 something years I have been going to the same place to run trails.  Over those 20 years it has gotten less and less friendly because of erosion, and lack of maintenance, and to some degree because of bicycle traffic.  That still wouldn't have bothered a 40 year old me, but 60 year old me is starting to find it unfriendly.  Heck, I was one of those guys who helped wreck it as I used to ride my mountain bike there as well there.  Some skilled riders still do, but for me it would be out of the question. Too many exposed roots, too many slick downhills with obstacles at the bottom, and too many mud holes.  It's just not much fun anymore, even to run

But I much prefer to run on natural surfaces when I can, and so today I thought I would check another spot.  Springwater conservation area is about 13 kms from our house, and what a pleasure.  Funny thing is that I've been at that place numerous times for other reasons, but never once ran or rode on the trails.  Today I took my bike and had a glorious visit, and tomorrow I'm going back to run there.  Nice wide trails, no roots anywhere, some up and down sections, and some beautiful bridges over the swampy parts.  The only hairy part with my bike is that the bridges area narrow and don't have railings.  You probably wouldn't get seriously hurt if you fell off, but you would get seriously slimed, and at this time of year, seriously cold!

Like I said, I'm gonna run there tomorrow, but as soon as I get a chance I'm gonna make a bike video in there for you.

You know one thing I am seriously proud of?  It's my stubbornness.  I'm struggling to grab a hold of life the way I want to, and yet I refuse to lay in my bed.  I believe that if I keep learning new things, and keep fighting for what I deserve I will get there.

Never give up!  Never surrender! (remember that movie?)

“The seeker embarks on a journey to find what he wants and discovers, along the way, what he needs.”---Wally Lamb



  1. Love that movie! Never give up, never surrender! :)


  2. Love that guy Pete! Never give up, never surrender! :)

  3. Replies
    1. Galaxy Quest :) A really funny spoof of Star Trek and the like - with the late Alan Rickman in it. It's a movie I can always turn on and enjoy :)
