Thursday, March 10, 2016


I know you're supposed to live just for today, but at some point in time ya gotta think about tomorrow.  I'm really looking forward to friday...

cause it's friday,
cause it doesn't involve any lawyers or any dentists,
cause I get to drive my grandchildren to school in the morning and buy them donuts,
cause I get to workout at my leisure, no appointments,
cause it's one day closer to my saturday visit with the Zadilskys,
cause it's gonna be 10 degrees with at least some sunshine,
cause I'm alive!!!

who could blame a guy for just peeking ahead one day?

Mind you today was a decent day as well.  The lawyer was a whole lot less painful than the dentist of the last 2 days.  For obvious reasons, but also because he confirmed all of my beliefs.  It's full speed ahead in putting the executorship to bed.  Hopefully in 3 weeks it's all done!!  If not, I'm gonna sue someone!!  I ain't kidding.  It's gonna turn decidedly legal if I get any more freaking grief!!  But I do think it will work out now.  In case you don't recognize it Old John, what I'm doing is preparing for the worst, but expecting the best :)

I also walked 9 kms and ran one, although painfully, excruciatingly slow....sigh....

Such is life.

....and this one's for you Elly.....

"Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow."---Melody Beattie



  1. awesome blog Pete, Love not knowing what you are going to write about! It's like I'm reading your diary!

    Thanks for sharing

    Love Roo

  2. Pete
    I am looking forward to tomorrow also, but I find myself looking too far ahead. I have a project I'm working on that right now is fiddly and painful and I want so badly to get to the next part, but I'm so frustrated with this one that I keep avoiding it and making stupid mistakes. So now instead of progress I'm backtracking. Thanks for sharing your journey, it makes mine easier.

  3. So glad you'll be done with all the legal stuff soon! And that Friday is a good day :) Love you!


  4. I felt good ready your blog tonight. I felt positive, brave, full of energy and capable. ;) x0

  5. You do inspire me, you know!

    Love, gail
