It was only 10 bucks but it's still probably best that no one tells Claudette. So far I've kept her convinced that she is the one with the bigger OCD problem, and I would like to keep it that way. Sure, I do a few things, like spelling the same word over and over again in my head, or trying to get just the right amount of steps in between cracks in the pavement, but everyone does that don't they? I like to think of my attachment to tape measures as more of an appreciation for all things technical, than any kind of obsession. Besides, you can never have too many tape measures.
Okay, okay...perhaps I just bought it to make myself feel better in the midst of a mediocre day. I just could not find a lot of passion for life on this particular Tuesday. I'm afraid I let the dentist freak me out a bit before I even got there, and then I couldn't quite get myself in gear to do anything useful afterwards. You see the dentist has been a huge problem for me ever since my illness because I cannot open my mouth very far, and I can't swallow with my mouth open. This means I just about drown every time I go visit him. You see, the water runs right down my effin windpipe, and I come up gagging every two minutes I have to ask him not to tilt me very far back or it would be totally hopeless. And so you don't think there's any vanity involved here, please know that I do the bare minimum to keep my crumbling old teeth together. Many of them are more filling than tooth! And in case you've forgotten I always have the old Osteoradionecrosis threat hanging over my head. I'll let you look that one up if you care, but simply put, dental surgery could be a very bad thing for me.
But I soldier on. The day tight compartment philosophy has stopped me in my negative story writing a few times already, and I will continue to practice it. Chapter two is all about accepting the worst possible out come as a possibility, and then working on solutions. Kind of like planning for the worst, but expecting the best. :) I'm still struggling with that a bit as it seems to me there is real danger of self fulfillment once one starts planning for the worst?? I need to re-read the chapter and then I'll discuss some more. Also I need to make sure that I don't give Old John any credit in case Mr Carnegie agrees with him! That admission might drive me to buy another tape measure!!
And I think there's a solution out there to my bike riding video/voice recording challenge. It just means I have to spend some money on a different case, as well as a lapel mic for the GoPro. The limitation will be that I will not be able to use it in inclement conditions, because the case won't be waterproof. I think I'm gonna do it though, because I really enjoy making the videos, and I think it looks much better with the camera on the front of the bike. Maybe I'll sell a few of my tape measures on Kijiji to collect a few extra bucks.
And that's about it, except for one last thought. It was indeed another beautiful day, and even though I had to walk instead of run, it occured to me to wonder how anyone could look up at the sky and see the sun, and still doubt the existence of God....whatever you conceive him to be...Amazing!
Back to the dentist tomorrow, but I promise not to let it get to me again.
"For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and provide for it."---Patrick Henry
"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."---Friedrich Nietzsche
Okay, okay...perhaps I just bought it to make myself feel better in the midst of a mediocre day. I just could not find a lot of passion for life on this particular Tuesday. I'm afraid I let the dentist freak me out a bit before I even got there, and then I couldn't quite get myself in gear to do anything useful afterwards. You see the dentist has been a huge problem for me ever since my illness because I cannot open my mouth very far, and I can't swallow with my mouth open. This means I just about drown every time I go visit him. You see, the water runs right down my effin windpipe, and I come up gagging every two minutes I have to ask him not to tilt me very far back or it would be totally hopeless. And so you don't think there's any vanity involved here, please know that I do the bare minimum to keep my crumbling old teeth together. Many of them are more filling than tooth! And in case you've forgotten I always have the old Osteoradionecrosis threat hanging over my head. I'll let you look that one up if you care, but simply put, dental surgery could be a very bad thing for me.
But I soldier on. The day tight compartment philosophy has stopped me in my negative story writing a few times already, and I will continue to practice it. Chapter two is all about accepting the worst possible out come as a possibility, and then working on solutions. Kind of like planning for the worst, but expecting the best. :) I'm still struggling with that a bit as it seems to me there is real danger of self fulfillment once one starts planning for the worst?? I need to re-read the chapter and then I'll discuss some more. Also I need to make sure that I don't give Old John any credit in case Mr Carnegie agrees with him! That admission might drive me to buy another tape measure!!
And I think there's a solution out there to my bike riding video/voice recording challenge. It just means I have to spend some money on a different case, as well as a lapel mic for the GoPro. The limitation will be that I will not be able to use it in inclement conditions, because the case won't be waterproof. I think I'm gonna do it though, because I really enjoy making the videos, and I think it looks much better with the camera on the front of the bike. Maybe I'll sell a few of my tape measures on Kijiji to collect a few extra bucks.
And that's about it, except for one last thought. It was indeed another beautiful day, and even though I had to walk instead of run, it occured to me to wonder how anyone could look up at the sky and see the sun, and still doubt the existence of God....whatever you conceive him to be...Amazing!
Back to the dentist tomorrow, but I promise not to let it get to me again.
"For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and provide for it."---Patrick Henry
"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."---Friedrich Nietzsche
I like tape measures too!