Saturday, March 26, 2016

"Yeah, It's Easter"

I love Easter.  It's almost as good as Xmas cause I get to have fun with my grandchildren, and even buy them stuff.  This is gonna be the best ever because Roo and I get them all to ourselves, as Mom is away for a few days of R&R.  Of course we have a new one now as well, but he still don't care much about presents, and certainly doesn't care at all about anything edible that doesn't come out of a tit!

But Easter wasn't always one of my favourite times, as Xmas was.  When I was a kid it started out with some bizarre ceremony that involved painting ashes on my forehead, through forty days  of abstaining from anything good, to 4 straight days of going to church, culminating in Easter morning when you got a small basket made of coloured paper and staples, and containing a few chocolates and some jelly beans.  Small reward it seemed to me.  

But I want to be careful not to seem to slam the religious pageantry that Easter brings, as I know the symbology it important to some.  I get that, I just wish it wasn't all so morbid, 

And while I have no idea how he died (neither does anyone else), I honestly believe that Jesus Christ was a good guy, who's life and times, organized religion has manipulated and massaged beyond the point of recognition.   I think he would have been a good neighbour, and he wouldn't have shamed me for wanting to go see my girlfriend after Good Friday services like my Dad once did.

Besides I loved Jesus Christ Superstar, and I loved Godspell (seen it live on stage). And one of my favourite all time books is by Canadian author Nino Ricci.  It's called Testament, and is an alternate biography of Jesus. Try it, you may like it!!

And what i think about Easter now compared to when I was  kid? Now I think it is simply 
a time for love, 
a time for kindness, 
a time for compassion, 
a time for friendship
a time for tolerance, 
a time for forgiveness,
a time for fellowship,
a time for gentleness,
a time for compassion.
a time for patience,
a time for giving,
a time for healing,
a time for sharing,
a time for togetherness,
a time for motherhood, fatherhood, and grandparenthood,
a time for joy,
a time for peace,
a time for laughter,
a time for christians, muslims, jews, hindus, buddhists, sikhs, and yes,
a time for atheists, polytheists, and all the other theisms that I don't understand
a time for Kylie,
a time for Colby,
a time for Izaiah,

Have a wonderful Easter my friends, however and with whoever you care to celebrate it.

"So I say to you, Ask and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you."---Jesus Christ
