Saturday, March 19, 2016

"The Shamrock Shuffle"

Maybe I already told you that it's a fundraiser for a local shelter, and obviously held somewhere around the 17th of March.  This is the 5th year of it's existence, and like most things in my community, I was oblivious to it.  Normally I'm not much into these 'fun run' kinds of things, probably because I was always a bit too lofty for such casual running....

Not anymore.  I'm now excited to participate.  Once Kylie decided that she was gonna join me, and along with lots of help from Roo, we decided we needed to get into the spirit of the thing.  Or rather, Kylie decided that 'I' should get in the spirit, and 'she' would help me.

I'm such a sucker!

Actually I quite like it.  I suppose I'm grateful that I have a life and I live in a society where such things are acceptable.  Kylie is quite proud to parade me around town!  And Colby is also tolerant, as long as we don't get too near any of his friends.

As usual, when I got up this morning even my green hair wasn't enough to make me feel like going to the event.  That's not unusual for me, especially when it's still a bit cold outside as it was this morning.  Ky was in a great mood however, and with continued support from Roo, Kylie went and did the 5K while I attempted my first 10K in forever!!

I was nervous starting last night already, but not too bad this morning.  I tried very hard not to let it get too important to me, but when they did this little warmup thing before the start and my heart rate went up over 100 right away, I was suddenly anxious.  But we headed outside, and I believe the cold was exactly what I needed.  I was dressed perfectly, and I really focused on relaxing.  My heart rate very quickly went over 130, and while a few years ago that would have been normal, again I was uncertain what it meant.  At first the kms seems to go by very slowly. I was going just a wee bit faster than I had planned on, but the good news was that my heart rate stayed very even in the mid to high 130's.

To make a long story short I remained anxious for at least 6 kms, always wondering when the end was gonna come. I think it was at about that 6K point however where I started to gain my confidence.  I just keep telling myself that if I could run 6 kms, albeit pretty slowly, that there was absolutely no reason why I couldn't run another 4.  Funny how confidence changes your whole perspective.  The last 4 kms fairly flew by, and rather than slowing down, I ran faster.  The course was more than a half kilometre short (fun run :), but in true anal, Rooyakkers fashion, I kept running until my watch said 10 kms!!

I consider it at least a small victory.  While I once ran 10 kms in 37 mins and change, and today I was just over 57 minutes, I am prouder of this day than that one.  On that other day 15 or so years ago I only had to overcome the limitations of my body.  Today I had to do not just that, but conquer my mind as well.  Believe me. that's a much bigger challenge.

And I think the most significant indicator of progress today was my heart rate.  It did exactly what it should have done, for the entire 57 minutes!  Amazing!  Here's my heart rate overlaid on my pace.  Thing of beauty eh? 

So onwards and upwards.  I'm trying hard not to let my mind run out of control with possibilities, but at the very least there is no longer any excuse for less than 10 kms of running on any given day.  And when I do have a bad day I will remember today, and know that the bad day is just an exception.  

Special thanks again to my honey today for making it possible for Kylie to join me.  Roo ran with her.   I need to find a good Dutch holiday "fun run", so that I can colour my hair orange!!  Stay tuned!!

"It is best to act with confidence, no matter how little right you have to it."---Lilian Hellman



  1. Im happy about all of it! Yeah you!!!

  2. Awesome!! The graph is a thing of beauty, and I'm glad the run ended up going so well! You still ran 10K faster than I can!

    And geez, they were a half a kilometre off? I know it's a fun run and all, and I don't expect exact precision, but a half a kilometre off is a pretty significant error. What about those poor casual runners who might be thinking "wow, I cut minutes off my personal best!" and it was because they ran half a kilometre less than usual!! But I digress. Awesome day! Love the hair! :)


  3. Congratulations! I'm so glad for you
