Sunday, October 2, 2016

"The End of an Era"

What a strange feeling.  A bitter, sweet kind of sensation.  After all it's been nearly 27 years since he came to live with us, and now he's gone.

The sweet part is that Adrian has worked very hard over the last several years, and put himself into  position to buy his own home.  We are very proud of him. 

And while bitter is not the right word, there is certainly a sadness in his leaving.  I'm gonna miss him a lot.  

But alas, it's a time that most parents face at some point, and I think we're ready.  And while this may not be much of a comeback post, I think it's appropriate.

Good luck son.  I love you and I'll miss you. 

I read a phrase recently that I really liked.  It was advice I suppose, and went like this.  At some point in our lives we need to move from "what will I get?" to "what can I offer?"  The instant I read it I knew it was timely advice for yours truly.  I have spent most of my life trying to get stuff, and I need to spent the rest of it trying to offer what value I can to the lives of others.

Funny thing though.  I have never needed that advice as relates to my sons.  I have always been ready to offer them a helping hand, probably to a fault. 

And while I am honest to myself with my shortcomings as a parent I believe that the one thing I managed to teach my kids is how best to treat those around them.  Because of that skill, Adrian has the most remarkable group of friends, and I hope they still come here to play volleyball.  Adrian's new yard is about big enough for ping pong, so I expect we will see them come summer time  

"Treasure your relationships, not your possessions."---Anthony J D'Angelo
