Sunday, October 30, 2016


That many people around me aren't familiar with Alice!  John of course knows her only because he's smoked a lot of the same stuff as Arlo Guthrie.  Seems that many others of my acquaintance don't, probably because they are too young to be familiar with a song released almost 50 years ago!!  Holy crap!  Scary!

And if it's not already obvious, Alice's Restaurant it is one of my all time favourites.  While it was originally written as a Vietnam war protest song, Guthrie has been quoted as saying it's more of an anti-stupidity song.  I think that's why I like it so much.  Although I understand how it happens, bureaucracy absolutely drives me bananas, and one of the best ways to combat it is with satire.  Here you go if you happen to have 18 mins to spare.

And as to the group W bench of the song, and whether or not I belong there, I have never to my knowledge physically assaulted or molested either of my parents!  And yet, what I admire about the character is that he was assigned to the bench as a direct result of his cynical attitude.  So whether or not I actually belong with the group W crowd, I know that's where I would have ended up were I in the same situation.  And just for the record, so would brother John, and I suspect you as well Deb, although they would have to catch your more subtle cynicism.  :)  Oh, and you too Lish!  Nothing subtle about you my dear!

And while we're on the topic of scary, here's a couple of seasonal examples of things that scare me.

Colby was participating in his grade nine drama class's "haunted hallway" production.  He had so much fun doing it, and I had so much fun hearing about it.  It reminds me of part of sister Elly's theory for our school system, in which all learning should be experiential.  I'm totally convinced that he's learning a lot more "english" in this class, then he is in English class!!  What 'scares' me is that he has 4 years of high school to survive somehow, so that he can get on with something that interests him.

And while that pic itself didn't really scare me. this next one sure as hell did!

Last year she was an evil clown, but I guess that as you approach 11 years old you move to different interests.  The character is someone called Jem, of Jem and the Holograms.  You gotta admit that it's a bit frightening!!  Something about those eyes.......I've seen them before somewhere??

And that's it for today.  And that's all there is eh?  Today!

"Thank God that the people that run this world are not smart enough to keep running it forever."---Arlo Guthrie


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