Saturday, October 29, 2016

"Thanks For Your Help"

Unfortunately when I arrived at the group W bench it seemed they had lots of pencils as well as various forms, but not one of them was from Byron Katie.  What to do??

And yes Deb, I am absolutely certain that was true.  Just as certain as I am that I belonged there with the rest of group W.  I have definitely not been rehabilitated!

"I don't want a pickle, I just wanna ride my motor sickle!"---Arlo Guthrie



  1. I don't know what group W bench is?

  2. Group W Bench

    A place for crazy people such as mother rapers and father stabbers. And father rapers and mother stabbers. Origins from a popular folk song by Arlo Guthrie called Alice's Restaurant.

    That guy belongs on the Group W bench.

    - Urban Dictionary
