Thursday, November 17, 2016

"This is a Test??"

My convo with Gail yesterday inspired me to give more thought to the concept of gratitude.  I had tons of ideas throughout the day that I was gonna share, in what was sure to be an inspirational post.  I would have talked about my belief that true gratitude is the ultimate state of happiness, and that there have been times in my life that I have felt it.  I would have given examples.  I would have written about what I view as  the difference between thankfulness and gratitude.  I would have explained that instead of feeling grateful, I often just feel like I should be grateful, without ever getting there.  And that it's probably because I have a horrible habit of finding something to worry about, or to fear, or my favourite, to feel guilty about,  associated with the thing I think I should be grateful for.

I even downloaded a book this morning titled Gratitude Works, and after just the first chapter I felt inspired.  As the day wore on I developed a resolve to learn more on how to develop my habits of thinking such that it led to a greater sense of gratitude.  Intellectually I know darn well that I am extremely fortunate in my family, in my health and wealth, and even in my capacity for thinking, so what excuse could I possibly have for not making improvements.  I also know darn well that our strengths are often our weaknesses, and as such that I am my own worst enemy.

Case in point was my dental issues over the last week or so.  As things continued to go wrong, instead of focusing on my good fortune in having a dentist, being able to afford to pay him, and if necessary to consider lots of other options, I just got mad at my dentist!

But to make the rest of this story short.  Roo and I drove to London to do a little early holiday shopping.  Spending a day with my wife combined with the good feeling that comes with thinking about others had me having a pretty good day when this happened!


Just innocently driving down the road when my front bridge broke completely off!  Earlier in the day I thought I felt one little twinge, but other than that there was absolutely no warning.  I suspect that the one side was broken previously and the other side just let go today. It didn't just come unglued, it broke, and I doubt that it can be fixed.  By that I mean the remaining bits of tooth that had held the bridge in place are no longer sustainable.  The one side was already just a peg into the root, and now the tooth on the other side has broken completely off as well.  I further suspect that it's no coincidence that this happened now, but rather just a further sign of the state of my teeth in general.  And I'll admit it again if I didn't already the other day, my greatest fear is dentures!!

Sooooo.  Yes I think this is a test.  Do you think I'll pass?  The first indications weren't good, but now, a couple of hours later, and after writing this post I'm crawling back out of the hole.  We shall see.

And to end on a positive note I give you this.  I had to stop by the kids house afterwards to drop off some stuff for Colby.  I spoke to him for a couple of minutes and he never even noticed my lack of front teeth.  When I pointed it out to him, and told him I was very frustrated he just smiled and without skipping a beat said, you mean "f'lustrated"!!!!  That's my boy!!!

Oh and Roo had earlier asked me to take Ky to pick up some stuff she needed, and then take her to dance.  Of course after this happened she let me off the hook.  Thank goodness.

No wait.  Screw that!  Am I that fragile?  Not yet.  I'll let you know how the shopping and the dance goes. Gotta go there now

I'm back!  Kylie never noticed the missing teeth either!!!  I suppose there's a message in there eh?  And if the people at the store noticed, who freakin cares?

"Our life here on Earth has as its purpose precisely to prepare for our eternal happiness. This world is a large womb. It is a 'test' as all opportunities are tests."---Peter Kreeft



  1. I love you! Isn't there the option of getting dental implants that can support a bridge if needed, and you could do that instead of dentures? I dunno, something to consider if you aren't a fan of getting dentures - but why not do whatever makes you happy in this case, since this is your mouth and oral health, shouldn't feel bad about being choosy. :)


  2. All that being said, maybe there won't even be a need for anything new and a new bridge can just be put in. Let me know how it goes!

