Friday, November 25, 2016

"Live Mice"'

I'm just sticking with my theme.   It occurred to me that maybe I could get a live trap instead of all this savage butchery.  But then I would still have the problem of relocating them, and there's no way I'm gonna get in my truck and drive 5 kms down the road just to free them.



I could put them in little mouse boxes, wrap them up, put a stamp on the box, and send them off as pets for my grandson.  Eureka!!!  I would of course put some vent holes in the box, and send them express.  I'm not a complete barbarian you.  I hope Izaiah enjoys them.  How many do you think he would you like Lish?

I can joke because I'm in a joking mood.  While I'm still pretty anxious, I have had the best day and a half that I've had for a while.  Lots of reasons for that, not the least of which is the fact that I'm taking some steps.  I've started all 3 drugs (yikes!!!) I booked an appt with the head shrinker for Dec 21 (that's not bad I think), my blood work came back and as expected the TSH is off the scale.  It sits at 50 and the maximum is supposed to be 4! And the best part was that I spent 2 solid hours in the dentists chair and I think I got my teeth fixed.

And I might add.  He and his assistant did the work after regular hours were over.  Two intensive hours which involved 2 root canals, and a complete restoration of the bridge with 2 stainless posts and several smaller titanium pins.  I'm still anxious over it, but with my bit of technical know how I think it's gonna hold.  I made him show me every part as he added it, as well as most of the tools he used.

And speaking of medical professionals I am very much looking forward to seeing this psychologist.  Why for the life of me Psychiatrists can bill Ohip, but Psychologists can not I don't understand.  Anyway, I know that psychologists can't offer me any drugs, so they gotta make me better just by talking to me, and that's what makes me excited.

But I think the most important thing I did today was a task for Roo that took me half of the day.  And the good feeling didn't come from the simple act of doing the task (I do lots for her, as she does for me), but the importance of this particular little project is that it was something I didn't want to do.  I was resisting it for the simple reason that it was something I couldn't see merit in.

Idiot!  I resisted a stupid little job, that I knew damn well would bring her much pleasure!  And all just because I thought I knew better.  Of course, that's what made the whole thing significant.  The fact that I realized  I was being an idiot, and just got it done!  It was so rewarding to apologize for not having done it sooner.  And since I surprised her with it while she was out delivering mail, it had the added bonus of enjoying her surprise.

Oh, one more thing.  And this is something that's kinda new in our lives, since we've only become empty nesters recently, but two of our children came by just for a visit today.  Nice.

I can say with some gratitude that today I'm feeling some gratitude  :)

"When it comes to life the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude."---Gilbert K Chesterton



  1. Well, because I saw some positivity in today's title, I decided to give it a go and begin reading. Lol. You may send as many mice as you need! I've had my share of pet mice in my day 😉 As long as proper cages and accessories are also supplied...send away! 🐭

    Glad you had a nice day. Xo.

  2. :) Whenever you're feeling down, I encourage you to look back at this post. Gratitude for the win! Love you!
