Saturday, April 30, 2016

"Told Ya!"

That I would feel better today.

Went for my walk first thing, without a watch, and without a heart rate monitor.  I think that needs to become the norm.  I managed probably about 5 minutes total running as part of my 7 kms.

Then I got a serious start on my Colby project.  Got the ductwork all moved and the subfloor down.  Tomorrow I start framing.

I'm feeling very grateful.  Although Colby is away visiting his dad for the weekend he stayed in constant touch.  I have never seen him so excited about something.  His enthusiasm is contagious, and I am certain that is the biggest reason for my improved mood.

I also had a reminder today of how incredibly fortunate I am to live where I live.  This morning we had a wild mallard duck eating corn out of a bowl in our kitchen!!!!  Yup!  Walked in the door and had some breakfast!! Do you freakin believe that??!!  That also improved my attitude.

...I like this one...

"The trick is to be grateful when your mood is high and graceful when it is low."---Richard Carlson


1 comment:

  1. I saw the video of the duck coming into the house -- but you've now also got the duck eating out of a bowl?!? Wow!

    Also, I'm glad for Colby and glad that he has you to make him a new room. What a great project to have on the go! :)

    Love you!

