Tuesday, April 5, 2016

"I Love My Bike...edition 37"

Went to the trails with my bike today.  I wish I could upload the video in the high quality that I can film it in because it really is stunning, but alas, that ain't meant to be.

I hope you enjoy it anyway.  There are 3 different clips totalling about 15 minutes.



Then something I called

 Little bridges.

And the last 37 seconds which is my favourite, and is titled,

Blue sky and white clouds.



  1. Wearing the gopro on your head is the best position. I feel like I'm on the bike riding with you. The scenery is amazing, and the audio is at its best. I get nervous crossing the bridges with you too, because I also think I'm going to fall. Love your connection between Byran Katie and Stroke of Insight. Who knew that these two books came into your life at separate times, and now have become connected to help make sense of each individual's thoughts are so different. The last video, even though I knew what happened, was still scary. I'm surprised you didn't swear or say anything after it happened.

    Love you more

  2. I hope you and your shoulders are all alright. The camera on your head does make it feel like I'm on the bike with you, but I found it quite stressful to watch with the bridges and all the trees coming at you. I tried to reply to your post about being grateful, but My computer ate all the things I had to say. To precis, I am grateful for the small connection that I have with you through this blog. You bring a lot of perspective to my life as do the other people that respond to your posts.
    Much Love

  3. Often, the most profound thoughts I have are gratitude for my love for you

  4. Love the camera on your head! Your voice is so clear. Loved when you said, spontaneously, "wtf" lol. I'm nervous on the bridges as well. Feels like i am balancing on them with you. Beautiful trails!! I was wondering how you know which way to go and how you don't get lost? I mean on the trails.....not in your life ;)

  5. I hated the video of you falling :( I really wanted to help you up, brush you off and kiss your dirty cheek...the higher one... ;)
    Love you Pete
