Friday, April 14, 2017

"Good Friday"

It was a pretty good friday, even though I didn't accomplish too much.
I took Frits to the trails, then I took him to the dog park, and then I gave him a bath.  Roo helped with that part.

As to "Good" friday I don't have much to say.  I think that's the nuns fault.  Along with the emotional and physical abuse they heaped on me, they also taught me not to say anything, if I couldn't say anything good!

And like I said.  Not so much stuff got done, but it made for a damn good friday!

And since I couldn't find a good, good friday quote, I give you this.  I think it's why I've been so drawn to Izaiah and Frits lately

“The only creatures that are evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants.”---Anon


1 comment:

  1. Does Frits like having a bath? Or was he all whimpers and not having it? I've seen dogs on both sides.

    Also, another great quote! I find especially there's just nothing quite like a dog. The incredible unconditional love they give, the excitement they have when you enter the door, etc. It's why I've always loved dogs.

    Happy Good Friday! I am always thankful for a long weekend :)

