Friday, March 31, 2017

"My Grand Dog"

I love my grandchildren so much and quite frankly the three of them totally fulfill my needs in that role.  Never did I imagine that three such perfect young people would grace my life.  I look forward to the time when I'm old and crippled, because I am absolutely certain I will be able to lean on any of the three for anything I need.

Imagine my surprise when Adrian presented us with a dog instead of a kid.  I won't pretend that I was enamoured with the idea last December but 3 short months later I have discovered that he is filling a hole that the grand kids simply can't do.  I haven't really analyzed what that is and I don't really intend to.  Rather I'm just gonna take it and run with it.

Talking about Frits the Dog has of course got me thinking about that other Frits, his namesake.  Particularly I am reminded of dads attitude towards pets of any kind.  Simply put, he had no use for them.  I suppose he believed he had good reasons for his feelings on the matter, although I'm not sure they were valid.  The only answer I ever got from him was that a dog was just gonna chase the cows.  It occurs to me that having a few animal friends around (other than cows) when we were kids might have added some value.  Funny thing is that if I had asked him again after I was an adult, he might have changed his so many things he rethought in his later years.

Alas.  I never had a pet, but now Adrian is letting us share his, and for this I am extremely grateful.  As promised, here's a pic of the Fritser after our 90 minutes in the trails, in the rain, yesterday.

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.” ---Anatole France

"If you think you're a powerful and influential person, try ordering someone else's dog around"---


Thursday, March 30, 2017

"The Top ten Things I Learned From Frits"

That was my dads name of course, and while I learned a ton of things from him, in this case I'm talking about another Frits.  Frits the Dog that is.  Frits is Adrian's dog, and while he lives over there, I see him pretty well every day.   He's become a force in my life.  I tried to add a picture here, but our prehistoric internet won't allow me.  I'll  try to include one soon.

Anyway, he's taught me a lot in the 3 months since we met, and here are the top ten items.

10)  If you're horny, hump something....anything!
9)    If it smells good, taste it.
8)    If it smells bad, taste it.
7)    No matter what it tastes like, eat what's in front of you, and don't complain.
6)    When your loved ones come home, be all over them with hugs and kisses
5)    Its okay to let your dick hang out once in a while.
4)    There's no such thing as bad weather.
3)    A romp in the creek is better than a bath any day.
2)    When your tired, sleep....anywhere.

And the number one thing I learned from Frits the Dog....

1)    If you can lick your own balls, do it often, and do it with meaning!!!

Q.  Whats the difference between locking your wife in the trunk for a week, and locking your dog in the trunk for a week?

A.  When you let the dog out, he's happy to see you  :)


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

"Saved by The Owl"

I'm feeling quite a bit better today but still don't feel much like blogging.  Roo has me all tired out catching distressed wildlife for her to save.

Check out this severely mauled Northern Saw-whet owl.  Poor little creature.

But he saved me from having to write anything beautiful, cause injured as he/she is, still an amazing creature.  I can't believe I was holding it in my hand.....Hoot!!

Monday, March 27, 2017

"I'm Sick"

No that's not the two syllable name of my new blog.  I still haven't discovered that. I'm just sick.  Not sick, sick, just feeling miserable.  Head feels hot, rest of my body feels frozen, and my mouth is one big sore!
I know it's nothing serious, and as usual it's probably as much to do with mood as with anything else.  Tomorrow I will be better.


Sunday, March 26, 2017

"Sunday Night"

Just got home from watching a pretty mediocre movie with Colby, and I'm tired.   I should have gone with Roo, Mike and Ky to see Beauty and the Beast cause I guess it was pretty good   Either way I would still probably be tired.

Roo also tells me that if I'm gonna start blogging again, I gotta start a new one, which means I gotta come up with a new 2 syllable title.  I'm glad for that, cause it will be my excuse to postpone a serious post for a day or two.  I will try to come up with my title tomorrow.

Til then.


Saturday, March 25, 2017

"So There You Have It"

Either she does indeed check every day, or perhaps she has it set up to receive a notification whenever I post.  I believe that's possible, but we will let Alisha keep that bit of knowledge to herself.  If the truth be known, I'm glad she commented because I want to try to blog again for a while.

And then before I even had a chance to fulfill my commitment, Michael piped up as well.  Hi Mike!  I now know I'm talking to at least 2 people, 3 if you count myself.

As to talking to myself please know that like all things I do, I'm gonna start blogging exclusively for my own selfish reasons.  For some months I simply didn't want to be open with my feelings, perhaps not even to myself, but for some reason the feeling has again come upon me.

It's been a fairly eventful 3 plus months since my last post.  Not in the sense of any significant events, or changes, but more so in my personal outlook on life.  Or perhaps not even so much change, as my willingness to talk about it.

But I'll be going slow.  If anyone enjoys reading it that will gratify me, but like I said, the intent is that it become a cathartic tool for me, as it has been in the past.

For now I wish to tell you that since I have last posted I have had amazing open discussions with all my sons, and as much as anything else they have motivated me to start writing again.  Those discussions have also reminded me of how incredibly proud I am of all four of them.  Though it may not be obvious to all,  they are all courageous men who have each conquered mountains.  I will be talking about them a lot, at least in terms of my relationships with them.

And that's enough of a start I think.  Talk to you tomorrow.

“I'm so proud of you that it makes me proud of me.”---John Green


Friday, March 24, 2017

"This is a Test"

Recently my wonderful extra daughter Alisha told me that despite the lack of a post from me in several months, that she still checked for one daily.  So this is a test.  If indeed she posts a comment here within 48 hours, then I'm gonna start blogging again.  If I don't hear from her however, I think it will be sufficient evidence that no one's gonna read it anyway, and as such I may as well not waste my time.
Then again, I may just do it anyway.  Time will tell.

Love you Lish!!
