Saturday, January 23, 2016

"Time For What?"

It's been a long time coming, this decision to start blogging again, but the time finally feels right.  I checked, and over the span of the last 7 1/2 years and 5 separate blogs, I have posted almost 1800 times!  While that's not proof that I have ever had anything to say of any value to the world in general, it would seem to indicate that perhaps there's been some value in it for me.  And I think I can honestly say that once more, personal gain is my motivator.  Writing stuff down makes me a happier person!  That's not to say that I don't enjoy the idea that others may read it, but even then I think I am motivated more by the dialogue that it brings than any need for validation of my own thoughts or beliefs.  On the contrary, I welcome opposing views with open arms.

As to why the decision has been a long time coming, and in the spirit of openness that I hope to take to new levels with this blog, I have not been writing, primarily, because I have been too unhappy to reach out to the world.  I do not want to belabour that at this point however, since it's in the past, but suffice it to say that if I didn't have so many responsibilities, I would have chosen to live to 60 instead of the previous plan of 80.  But alas, I'm still here, and still fighting!  Oh, and over sixty!!

The other more mundane reason for the delay is that I didn't have a theme, or a title.  I knew I would need both before I could get started.  The funny thing is that I think I was going about it wrong.  I have strictly adhered to the two syllable limitation on all my previous blogs titles, and in my obsession with achieving that again, I was focused on the title, instead of the theme.  When I suddenly discovered the 'reason' for my blog, the 'title' came to me in the same instant.  And there was absolutely no work required in getting it down to two syllables.

"It's Time"

So. Time for what?

Well.  Time for a lot of stuff!

My previous blogs have all been centred around my ironman events of course, but that's not the case this time.  That being said I still fully anticipate doing another race before this blog ends, it's just that the date and location have not been finalized.  The strong favourite is Mont Tremblant in 2017, but it's tentative at best.  But don't get me wrong.  Despite the absence of a hard and fast target race, this blog will still be very much about my health and fitness, both physical and mental, and certainly about the connection between the two.  Perhaps though  it will be even more about my life in general, about my place in the world, and about how I propose to live the next 20 years.

And I have so much to say, so much to share, so much of my insides to still explore and then share with you,  that I fairly burst with ideas.  I also know that I need to pace myself to avoid blog burnout, and so I'm gonna hold you in suspense just a bit longer as to what "it's time" for.

Here however, are a few not so subtle hints.

"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."---Lao Tzu

"I cannot always control what goes on outside. But I can always control what goes on inside."---Wayne Dyer



  1. I'm so happy to hear from you, inside and outside!

  2. I am so happy you're blogging again! I believe it's good to put it out to the universe!

  3. Let's talk, you in your blog, me in mine. Do it!! We'll read it. Share it; we will treasure every word.

    Love, gail

  4. I'm in :)

    how 'bout you?

  5. I'm excited to find inspiration in your journey for my own. Bring it on big brother!

  6. I'm excited to find inspiration in your journey for my own. Bring it on big brother!

  7. My life feels a wee bit empty when you're not blogging - so I'm so glad you're back!!! I have all your other blogs still saved under my bookmarks. I've labelled them "Dad's Blog #1", etc. I can't believe this is your 6th blog!! Awesome!!

