The kids were very tired this morning after our travels last night, and I was alone in getting them up for school since Mom and Roo are both at their paying jobs. I am working very hard at being patient with them as they go through their growing pains, both because it's good for me, and good for our relationships.
Never the less, it seemed such a chore this morning to get them fed, showered, and dressed, and all in a timely manner such that they would arrive at school at their appointed time. The biggest test came when one of them walked leisurely out to the truck where I was waiting, eating a piece of candy after having eaten only half of their breakfast! I stayed calm and yet it stressed hit me like a ton of bricks!!!!
I'm their damn grandfather, not their father!! I'll just squeal on them to their mother, and then be done with it. Actually I may not even do that. After all, they stay here very rarely on school days anymore, and if on those rare occasions they eat candy for breakfast, is it really gonna change the world any? NOT!
And with this one little bit of letting go, with this one little realization, I felt a sense of relief...of satisfaction even. Nice....
I'm trying something a little different today, and I may try to make a habit of it. I'm writing in the morning again, before I even work out. As long as winter holds on that's not a bad idea anyway, as the temp usually goes up as the day wears on. It's not so cold today, but there's a big time wind. I'm glad it's walk day!
And that's about all for now except for some responses I owe, so here goes.
Gail, maybe your thought about grandchildren was the very same one as I just expressed?
Jonathan, thanks for the ultimate compliment, but please try to emulate only about half of my traits. Well actually about 40% would be wiser yet.
Deb, Mike, John, Roo, yes I suppose it's all about being at peace with where you are, and with what your best is for today. Easy to say, hard to do, when you've been practicing the opposite all your freakin life!
John, while you cannot edit your comment once you've posted it, you can actually delete the entire post and re-submit it. Certainly that's what I would do if I had made such an embarrassing error in punctuation!
Deb, you're just as anal as John (and I) by adding a correction. Trust me, I recognize the trait. It's not out of fear that we may be misunderstood, but rather out of fear of being seen as less than brilliant???
Elly, it even looks weird to me when I see myself without glasses. Also, thanks for your never ending optimism (learn that from holij?). And although I refuse to have any hope for the future, I at least allow myself to think in possibility.
Betty, yes, if your brother can call himself happy, old, lucky, ironman, john, then certainly you can call yourself anything you like. Also I agree that everything is both fabulous and terrifying.
Roo, there are no words other than the ones I may steal from the old Bea Arthur character. "God'll get you for that" I mean it the exact opposite way that Maude intended it for Walter!
Deb, Mike, Roo....who gives a shit about your stupid poker nights?! Keep your personal addiction issues off of my blog. Just kidding of course, and as a matter of fact reading your interaction reminds me once again of the amazing miracle of your relationship. For those of you that don't know, through some incredible series of events, my crazy wife, my gay son, and a former co-worker of mine (she got fired too) are the best of friends. Thank goodness for that because they were all a lot of work for me until they found each other. lol Damn, I kill me!!
And I found so many fantastic "realization" quotes, but here's a few of my favourites.
"The goal towards which the pleasure principle impels us - of becoming happy - is not attainable: yet we may not - nay, cannot - give up the efforts to come nearer to realization of it by some means or other."---Sigmund Freud
"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today"---Franklin D. Roosevelt
....and this next one I find astounding. If I envy anyone as much as a person who can run, it may be a person who can think amazing thoughts, and then put them into amazing words....
"Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue, a wonderful living side by side can grow, if they succeed in loving the distance between them which makes it possible for each to see the other whole against the sky."---Rainer Maria Rilke
Freakin blows me away. "to see the other whole against the sky"!!!