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It's fun watching others work. Although I never sat on my ass either. Because the siding guy decided to come 2 days early (that never happens), I had to hurry up and get my doors and windows properly secured.
I also put 3 coats of paint on the garage door jams (2 primer, 1 colour) and of course I have one more top coat to do tomorrow. I need that done and dried before the siding guy gets to that point, and before the garage door guy comes on wednesday. I think you can see my mess in this pic.
Building inspector comes tomorrow so we'll see what he has to say. I'm just a wee bit nervous about one thing and I'll tell you about it later, whatever he says....
Wow, that's so much done in one day!! Looking great - I hope it was cool to see it all coming together like that with the roof and siding being done all at once. And a guy showing up early to get the job done? Pretty nice.
ReplyDeleteLoving the picture updates/blogs, I hope we keep seeing more. Love you lots!
Love it and you!