Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Is that how you spell that?
Regardless, here you go.

I think it's funny that if I had applied to go to university after high school they would have laughed at me.  All they needed now was a copy of my birth certificate!  Funny.

Anyway, I think I'm supposed to choose some courses now, so I better get at it.  I'm gonna start pretty slow, portably going with just one course to start out.  We shall see.

"Don't let schooling interfere with your education.'---Mark Twain


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

"If You Can't Beat Em"

I'm gonna have to accept this aging thing at some point.  I'm still mystified by my lack of strength and endurance, but like it or not, that also becomes inevitable at same point.

So while I will continue to resist this deterioration with every ounce of will inside of me, I may also try to find out if there are any advantages to my senior citizenship.

I've discovered one already!!

Did you know that many Ontario Universities offer free tuition to senior citizens. Yah!  Free!  Full degree programs, either full or part time!  Free!!
Furthermore did you know that UWO is one of them!!  Yup!  Just down the road!
But here's the real scoop.  You only have to be 60 years old, and that I am!!!

I can't freakin believe it!

I have already met with an advisor and she assures me that I will have no problem getting accepted.  It will be a dream fulfilled to study psychology, and I may even consider a minor in philosophy.

Do you believe it?  Holy unbelievable Batman!

The crazy thing is that I knew from Michael that there were some uni's that paid tuition for seniors, but neither of us knew that UWO did,  and  more importantly to me, that the age requirement was 60.  We were chatting idly about this the other day, and unbeknownst to either of us, the other one went home to google it.  This happened so simultaneously that it was freaky!!  It was plain good luck, because we both assumed that you had to be sixty five, and as such there was really no rich to investigate further.  Wow!  They invented a word just for stuff like this.  Serendipity!!

So there you have it!  It's good to be old eh?

And while I can't do half the stuff I used to do, I can still do stuff.  I was picking up lumber at the local yard today and I got frustrated with the young guy handling the other end of the 6X6's.  Without being rude I just started picking them up by myself and throwing them in the trailer.  After I put one in, he would wait patiently for me by the pile to pick up the other end of the one he had chosen next.  He was totally good watching grampa doing 3/4's of the work.

And yes, one more tuition for me!!!

...and I think this explains my lumber yard story...

"Old age is ready to undertake tasks that youth shirked because they would take too long."---W. Somerset Maugham

....then again maybe it also explains why this old grampa is now prepared to undertake this university thing, where as the young Peter never even considered it....

You know what else just occurred to me?  I think it's been the dialogue that this blog has precipitated, that as much as anything got me thinking about this.  I thank you all for that, but I would be remiss if I didn't thank Old John specifically for yanking my chain so often. :)


Wednesday, May 3, 2017


I had no intention of posting anything tonite because I am so tired, and so sore, but I decided that it wouldn't be fair.  You see I've been keeping a little secret for a few days, I think probably because I was not sure if it was true.

Or perhaps I was afraid that giving voice to it might make it not true.

Regardless, here it is.  In my very soft, very quiet, inside voice.  Please don't tell anyone else.

....for several days in a row I have not woken to the darkness at 6 am...

Don't say another word!

"A mans true secrets are more secret to himself than they are to others."---Paul Valery


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

"Sweet Sixteen"

I was 16 years old when I entered grade 12.  By that time I had discovered sex, and drugs, and rock and roll, and while I thought I was all grown up by that time, looking back I am astounded.  How did I ever grow up?

I think what saved me was all the hard work I put into my studies, as evidenced by my transcript.
Have a peek.

I love it!  I'm joe technical, and I got 32 in shop, and 18 in math!!  What's really astounding however is that they still gave me a freakin diploma!!  Thank you Charlie Hyde!!

And that's it.  I thought you might enjoy the smile.  I found it while rooting in the files looking for something else.


Monday, May 1, 2017

"Todays Top Ten"

As I sit down to write this I don't actually have 10.  Ten what you say?  Well, the 10 top things I like about trail running,

First off, please notice that I said "running, although I don't actually run.  While I have pretty well gotten over the senseless 'hope' that I will run again, there is still part of me that believes that it will come back, and even I think, come back with a passion.

And no I don't know when, but I'm confident enough to place a small wager that it will be sometime. We shall see, may think that that attitude doesn't sound like that of a depressed person, and indeed, just as I type the words I'm thinking the same thing.   hmmmm?

I'm not going any further with that thought for today.  I think I'll just park it in a corner of my mind where I can haul it out tomorrow morning, and perhaps other mornings after that.

Speaking of mornings, there is no doubt that Frits the dog has a profound effect on mine.  I think if I could manage to get up at sunrise and stay comatose just until him and I were out there somewhere, my life would be a whole lot better.  I try to express my gratitude to Adrian but I don't think I really get it across well.  No matter.  Im grateful, and I know he's grateful for my support, so what else matters eh?

But!  This is supposed to be a top ten so without further ado, here we go.  The top ten reasons to go to the trails.  Remember I don't have a top ten.  I'm making them up as I go.

10)  There are no cars there!  No trucks, no buses and not a single cop, ambulance, or fire truck!

  9)   When it's cold outside, it's warmer in the trails.

  8)   When it's hot outside, it's cooler in the trails.

  7)  You meet new people, and new dogs, almost every day.

  6)  You will most likely never meet a cat!  Nice  :)

  5)  If you fall down it doesn't hurt too bad.

  4)  You can pee when you want (behind a tree), poop when you want(behind a bigger tree), hell you could probably even have sex out there if you kept an eye out.  (The only recommendation I would make here is that you have someone to enjoy the sex with.  While you will probably get into some trouble for boinking your honey out there, our society frowns much more on old men having sex by themselves in a public place.  Strange eh?  :)

  3)  You don't need, or in my case, even want to bring music.  I have not though about carrying my iPod for months  Don't even know where it is.  I have no desire to block out the external sounds of the frogs, the birds,  the brooks, etc.  Very cool.

  2)  I think I can safely say that I have never come back from a trail run/jog/walk in worse spirits than when I left.  I could not always say that about running on the pavement..

...and the number one reason I like to go to the trails is because I can wear these!


I bought them several years ago and probably wore them 3 times.  I hauled then out a few weeks ago and they have become my 'shoes' of choice.  They feel like bare feet with traction.  They are especially useful for crossing the creeks.  You get a great feeling for the bottom, and you feel secure over the rocks.  The best part is that they dry quickly, and they don't chafe even the slightest afterwards.  They now have even more rugged ones, designed specifically for trail running so I may ask Roo for a pair of them.  When's mothers day?  :)

And I think that's it for today. I know I went a bit beyond the bare top ten model, but like I said up front, "I was winging the whole thing".

Lastly today a big shout out to my extra daughter Alisha.  I am still so often surprised by the miracle of her.

...I like this one...

"We rarely think to mark the trail for others to follow. 'Live and learn,' we say, acknowledging the value of experience. We usually forget about 'Live and teach."---Marilyn Ferguson
