Wednesday, May 11, 2016

"I've Been Busy"

Good busy.  Having so much fun with Colby's new room.  The very best part is how engaged he is in the whole thing.  Yesterday he asked if he could help taping and mudding the drywall.  Very gratifying.

And of course little sister is hanging around as well.

Sorry about the lousy pics, but you get the idea.  They were both in it for the duration, and if the truth be known, they're about as good at it as I am.

To top off a fantastic day, I had a nice phone chat with brother Larry.  Today I choose to celebrate him.  Larry is all the things I aspire to be.  Kind, generous, bright and non-judgemental.  Oh. and bilingual!  Love you Larry.  Compared to the life challenges that you have already faced and conquered, this most recent one is small potatoes.  I know that you will carry it off with the same grace you have everything else in your life.   Your are a survivor! 

....for you brother...

“I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind, Some come from ahead and some come from behind, But I’ve bought a big bat, I’m all ready you see, Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!.”--- Dr. Seuss


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

"More Than Just Old Age"

I'm feeling kinda sick, and that's a good thing.  Good, because yesterday and last night I was feeling very sick.  That's why I never posted last night.
I've had an up and down fever for at least a week now, and didn't make too much of it, but yesterday morning I had a wake-up, so to speak.  When I got up to clear my usual overnight congestion buildup,  it turned into a serious bleeding session.  I have this occasionally, and I'm told it's just from the scarring in my throat, but this was significant.  I mean sink turning red kind of bleeding!   I was a bit freaked!

Roo was off delivering mail, so I had a choice.  Just ignore it and not mention it to her, or tell her, and incur her wrath for not calling the doctor.  Because i'm a wise man I pre-empted her, and called right away.  Like I said, I was a bit freaked.

Amazingly they told me to come in right away.  He listened to my chest, said I didn't sound quite right and sent me for an X-ray and blood work.  Turns out I have a lung infection of some kind!!

So two weeks of drugs, then a followup x-ray,  and also a CT scan to rule out anything more frightening.  I'll keep you posted.

For now, I'm grateful that I'm feeling a bit better.  I hope to have a good nights sleep tonite.

But life is always wonderfully balanced and as such a wonderful thing happened yesterday as well. Kylie had come over before school to visit the ducks, but unfortunately they hadn't shown up yet.  I asked her if she wanted to go see the pretty robins nest I stumbled upon the other day while looking for the ducks nest.  Of course Kylie being Kylie, she was immediately ready to go.  I had counted off the trees when I first found it so I could walk directly to it.  While we were just one tree away, Ky suddenly stopped and stared at the base of a neighbouring tree, and exclaimed, "omg!"  "That's the duck!!!"

Sure enough!  While looking for the ducks nest, I found the robins nest, and while going back to check that out, we found the ducks nest.  It was only upon going back tonite to try to get a picture, that I realized why I could have looked for a week and not found it.  When she's not there she has it completely covered with dead grass in a very natural way.   The only reason we found it is because we disturbed her, probably while laying an egg.  According to the bird lady (my wife) she doesn't spent time sitting on them until she decides there's enough, and we know that time's not here because she spent all day in our pool.  There were four eggs when Ky and I seen them, and apparently they lay as many as 12.  Again, I only know that cause the all knowing Roo told me so.

Anyway, all very amazing.  I don't know how long it takes but we should have a fantastic upcoming experience on our hands.  The greatest part of the pleasure is of course watching Kylie experience it.  The look on her face when she first fed a wild duck in our kitchen, and then again when we stumbled upon the nest, are the moments a grandparent lives for.

So despite being annoyed by this health issue, it's overshadowed by my feelings of gratitude.

And although I know I'm supposed to live in day tight compartments I'm looking ahead to thursday, when I meet my friend Gail for tea, and then visit my eldest son for a hit.  How could I not look forward!!

....and here's a quote from god himself....if you're old enough, you'll get my reference

"When I was a boy the Dead Sea was only sick."---George Burns


Sunday, May 1, 2016

Told Ya, Day Two"

I don't feel that good this evening, but I think it's just age.  My Dad stopped farming when he was 57, and while I suppose I could  have just asked him, I could never figure out why.  He was quite good at it, and he seemed to be still enjoying it.  I suspect I know now.  The work was just getting too hard.  I'm finding it more and more painful to bend, squat, kneel, lift, and all those other things associated with outdoor work, and/or construction type stuff.

Including picking up lumber, I spent about 6 hours on Colbs project today , and while I was reasonably satisfied with what I got done, I'm not satisfied with how much my body hurts now.  I know one of my biggest problems, one I suspect my Dad shared, was an unwillingness to do things the easy way.  If there's some way I can stand that wall up by myself I would rather do that then wait for help!  I can't see that attitude changing in the near future, so I think I'm gonna just have to monitor my time spent on physical stuff.

But I 'told ya' I was gonna work on it and here's the proof!

I also "told ya" that we had an unusual house guest and here's that pictorial evidence. She comes in quite regularly now.  Believe it or not all I have to do is open the door and she waddles on in.  Roo and I are both in awe!

I also walked/jogged the block today, and I think I even overdid it there.  Tomorrow, I either ride, or walk or rest.  We'll see how I feel in the morning.

And now I'm getting frustrated with our crappy intent, and my crappy computer so no quote today.  Talk to you tomorrow.
